Wednesday, January 13, 2010

No Politics for Me, Thank You...

Outside of law enforcement, I've had a lifetime in sports.

When the limited skill that I did possess went away, I transitioned to coaching and officiating.

I think that's why so much of this law enforcement stuff comes so easily to me. I just think of it as officiating the game of life.

That's also why I'm able to make the decisions other officers won't. I've already had the perspective that it's not MY decision to make... the person in question chose to do something... the person in question KNEW that the decision had repercussions... I'm merely documenting the activity when I write the ticket or make the arrest... It really IS that simple most of the time!

Writing the Mayor was actually a piece of cake! When he loudly identified himself by asking if I recognized him 'as the mayor of this town that employs you???' I simply said, "Well yes I do... and fortunately, due to the three day ethics training seminar you sent my whole shift to, I know I'm supposed to treat you just as I would treat anyone else. Furthermore, since you require us to wear these digital recorders and video tape every traffic stop... I'm sure your voters will appreciate you taking responsibility for your actions and not using your position to get out of the ticket..."

I AM professional and follow all of my personal ethical guidelines... but I did have one of the most sarcastic shit-eating grins across my face when I said this...

The mayors initial look was of shock, then disbelief... then the same shit-eating grin that I displayed appeared on his face too. Mr. Mayor actually started to laugh a bit! "Well Officer ________, I guess I've got a ticket coming and I'l take it like a big boy."

It's funny, my supervisors were preparing for a huge fallout... to be honest I actually was myself. But low and behold, from the Mayor's point of view, I went from being 'just one of the guys in patrol' to "That Son-of-a-Bitch that gave me a ticket." Of course he always says it with a laugh, and since then I have noticably been moved up the food chain quite a few notches... Delegations to panels, chosen for special duties, guest of the mayor at the annual golf outing...

Hmmmm... Maybe there is something to doing this job while turning a blind eye to the political BS.


  1. Let's put it this way...

    You can kiss ass with the secure notion that nothing really bad will happen to you and maybe the off chance that all that ass-kissing will affect something good...

    Or, you can roll the dice and pray for a seven on the Crap Table of Life, either hitting the Jackpot or going out in a blaze of glory...

    I'm North-Irish Canadian.
    I'm the daughter of an RCMP cop.

    You do the math!


    You joined my B3 (Bar) blog but NOT my Manson blog?!!!

    Heck, I thought you of all people would get a kick out Manson Family analysis?!!!

  2. Hello Mr Police Officer, Sir! Like your style! Keep it up!
